Army – Story 4

 ‘Tis a curious thing how Fate seems to await us.  As I said earlier, due to a technicality, spending 5 years getting my B.S. and my dad running afoul of the head of the Draft Board, I found myself aboard a bus heading to Fort Ord up near Monterey; grumbling about the unfairness all the… Continue reading Army – Story 4

Short Stories as told by Larry Bidwell – Story 1

My teaching career… My teaching career began in a very strange way. I was drafted into the U.S. Army on a techni­cality’ upon completion of my pre-medical studies and had just begun medical school at the on­set of the Cuban Crises. When I finished active duty, I took on a job in medical research at… Continue reading Short Stories as told by Larry Bidwell – Story 1


Hello, my name is Larry Bidwell. My blogs are dedicated to my wife’s medical updates, and what I learned from my classroom teaching days. I’m here to continue teaching, so listen up to learn from my experiences!

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