Bonnie Update

Well, Sturgis is now a go with no more hurdles in the way as Bonnie just got back from a visit with her Oncologist who told her that the blood test was perfectly normal. n

Bonnie Update 1

  For those of you who are new to my posts and may be unaware, Bonnie had to undergo what was supposed to be a routine major procedure to remove a small cancer.  Due to a botched surgery and being looked upon as an overly concerned husband and not listened to, at one point I… Continue reading Bonnie Update 1

story 10 Is it true that you told my son….?

Story 10   Is it true you told my son….. I’ll not forget my first back to school night; not ever nor never.  As I had just finished up the unit on drugs with the students, I did a brief outline of the entire program for the parents utilizing about half the allotted time, so I… Continue reading story 10 Is it true that you told my son….?

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