
Hello, my name is Larry Bidwell. My blogs are dedicated to my wife’s medical updates, and what I learned from my classroom teaching days. I’m here to continue teaching, so listen up to learn from my experiences!

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Story  20   The First, but most Definitely the Last Time

With all that’s going on in our nation lately, I guess it’s about time to tell this story as it was the first, but definitely the last time I was unprepared to defend my students.  The scene is on a field trip back, in the late seventies or mid-eighties.  We were on a gold dredging/panning… Continue reading Story  20   The First, but most Definitely the Last Time


Bonnie/Larry Update: For new viewers, I’m trying to bring this blog up to date with a column I write for a local newspaper. The column needs to be limited to 750 words, so these stories will follow suit. If you wish to know more about me, I suggest you scroll back to story #1. Otherwise,… Continue reading Untitled

story 18

cheerleader effect Story- 18       Cheerleader lesson Update: I’ll now be doing Bonnie/Larry updates with these stories since many past students wish to keep abreast as Bonnie was so important in so many lives. I’ll be going back to when it all started; many stays in the hospital. I’m danged lucky she survived it all. Since… Continue reading story 18

story 17

The box of candy that saved a life Story 17     The box of candy that saved a life? This is a story about Mike who became one of the most “got it together” people I know; and the turning point came with the dreaded Helen Grace Candy sale.  Oh, it was a good and tasty… Continue reading story 17

Are you an Individualist or one of the sheep

Story 16:   Are you a rugged individualist? Good Grief, did I have a scary thought just now.  I was thinking of Samuel Clemmons’, aka Mark Twain, famous comment:  “I only know what I read in the newspapers,” this day, it being enhanced to include:  hear/see on the Media.  I wonder what his appropriate little wisdoms… Continue reading Are you an Individualist or one of the sheep

My last year at Alhambra High School

My last day at Alhambra High School has to be one of the more difficult stories for me to tell.  However, had I stayed, no doubt matters would have been definitely not pleasant. No doubt my run-ins with the department chairman (whose curve I skewed) was the main factor.  Yep, I can remember him bragging… Continue reading My last year at Alhambra High School


Story 15-  Stumbling into a stake-out As a preface, I guess I should begin this story back in the days when I was in the Army Reserves; a sergeant in charge of a medical section.  As requisitions for supplies were always a pain, I found it easier to take a case of beer to fellows… Continue reading Stakeout

The greatest coach?

Story 14:    The greatest coach? One couldn’t want for a better example of a life turned around because of football and, more important, a particular high school coach; one Coach John Machado.   Still, it is a coach that wouldn’t let me play while in junior high school that keeps sneaking into my mind; and, I… Continue reading The greatest coach?

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